Friday, August 27, 2010

My New Favourite Pic

Ohk so today we had a funeral to go to :( But while waiting for Dave to get home from work to pick Riley and I up, we got out the camera and took a few pics, hey, just because! Don't need a reason to take some pictures!

Anyway, Riley thought it was funny so I was trying to get a pic of him and I grinning at the same time, and I managed to snap this.... it is my new favourite photo, just love it :)

Friday, August 6, 2010

The messy fun begins!

Well my little boy is not so little anymore and has started solids. Banana to be precise. I'm a big believer in baby-led-weaning so always have to change his clothes afterwards. But I love watching him learn to put the food in his mouth!!! It has been going a few places it shouldn't (like up his nose!!) but he has been pretty good and hasn't gotten much on the floor to be honest. Just his face and clothes and chair lol. 

Trying something else this week. Has done 6 days with banana, so on the 1st week anniversary of his beginning solids, might treat him to something else... maybe some apple. Stay tuned :)

Pic here of him in his highchair. He looks so tiny in it! It's packed with 2 blankets to keep him in the middle, and I now just have him sitting up with me and I hand him the banana coz he looks too little for his highchair!

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