Wednesday, May 26, 2010

People of Mention

I would just like to send out a huge thanks to a few people who really made a difference and helped me above and beyond what I ever expected.

First and foremost - Dave my partner and father to Riley. Stood beside me 100% with all the decisions I made, was there everyday I was in hospital and even spent a few nights on that really uncomfortable chair.

Heather my LMC - with me from the start, never made me feel like I had the "first mum" jitters and respected every call I made to her and niggle I had. But never babyed me and gave it to me straight. Sincerely hope she is available when we try for another baby. 

Adrienne my back-up MW - is a wonderful lady who again didnt baby me and was always there when Heather wasn't available

Jane my student MW - was only with me for a couple of months at the end and the first 6 weeks after the birth, but when i hit my 3-4day blues and didnt want to see anyone except Dave and Heather, made a quick trip and dropped me off slice and a couple of magazines. Will be forever grateful for that and no matter how much I consider us friends now I love that you didnt stick around when i didn't want visitors ;-)

Sandra my aunty who was in fact down from Wellington for a visit where she works as a NICU nurse. she helped me over her visit with breastfeeding and even sat there for an entire feed holding Riley to me to ensure he had a good latch. Brought us formula when I rang and asked and never once worried that she was on holiday and was meant to have a break ;-) if you can visit the NZ neonatal website to support the cause or even just to have a read about. I have a friend who's son was born at 24+5 and who is now just over 6 months old.. his blog can be seen here

All the ladies on OHbaby! with special mention to the due in March 2010 ladies. Without all of you there is no way I would have gotten through my pregnancy, hospital stay, decision to FF and weeks so far at home. Thank you Thank you Thank you. I love you all :-)

And of course without a doubt my family and my partners family. Without all of you these 11 weeks so far would have been very bleak indeed. 

So a HUGE thank you goes out to everyone and i'm sorry if I missed anyone!

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